
毕业 occurs when a student officially 和 成功的ly completes all of the graduation requirements for a particular degree or certificate. 学生必须申请 to graduate 和 are responsible for ensuring they have met all program-specific 和 一般大学要求. 


步骤1: 回顾你的 ctcLink account to ensure you are in the correct Program Plan for degree/certificate posting. 找到 在ctcLink中选择激活的程序计划 Student 首页page --> Academic records--> My Program.  If you are not in the correct 规划计划 please meet with your Advisor to correct 在提交毕业申请之前. 

步骤2:  TRANSFER STUDENTS ONLY: 回顾你的 转移 Credit Report in ctcLink if you have transfer credit from a different institution. Student 首页page -->Academic records--> 查看转学分报告. 仅限官方成绩单 可以 用于发放信贷. If you have not submitted official 成绩单s, submit them 越快越好 官方评价. 

步骤3: 与你的导师见面,回顾你的学业进展. 你和你的导师应该这么做 复习以下项目 选择 正确的毕业期限:  

  • 满足总学分要求 
  • 达到GPA要求 
  • 25% of the applicable credits for the specific credential must be taken at TCC. (学位及毕业政策) 
  • All degree 和/or certificate requirements will be fulfilled 
  • 回顾你的 规划计划s 和/or certificates 和 work with your advisor to submit 任何 规划计划 添加. Also submit a discontinue 规划计划 form for 任何 plans that will not 继续深造还是毕业. 
  • Review Academic Advisement Report for 任何 Exceptions, Substitutions or Waivers. 确保 你的学术指导报告已经完成. 顾问可提交 学位进度更新表格 通过注册服务中心提交例外情况.  
  • 决定你是否要继续e 毕业后去TCC上课. 如果你继续上课的话 at 毕业后去TCC, 点击链接需要你 有一个积极的 规划计划. Work with your advisor to submit a 规划计划 addition form for the 下一个节目 将声明. We have a Non-degree seeking 规划计划 in addition to the  和 证书 列于 学术目录.

步骤4: 完成以下步骤 ctcLink: 

  1. 毕业申请 导航到 Student 首页page--> Academic Progress--> Apply for 毕业
  2. 毕业证书的名字 导航到 Student 首页page-->配置文件--> Select the plus sign (+) 和 the Degree Name type should appear to allow you to enter your 毕业证书的名字. 
  3. 更新地址及电话: D文凭将邮寄到ctlink上列出的地址. If your contact information is incorrect, please log into your ctcLink Student 首页page-->配置文件 更新您的资料. 学位和证书 will be awarded after grades are posted.  一旦获得, you will receive a secure digital copy 和 a physical copy at no charge through Parchment.  请不要单独订购您的文凭.  

步骤5: STUDENTS WHO HAVE NOT EARNED A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA ONLY: Students who have not earned their High School Diploma are eligible to receive a TCC High School Diploma upon completion 在TCC取得合格学位. 和你的指导老师一起申请高中文凭 计划并完成 高中毕业证书申请表. Note: Students who have already received a High School Diploma from their High School 不符合资格.

步骤6: 完成 毕业生调查.

Once your 毕业申请 has been received look out for a message in your 关于下一步的消息中心! 注:纸张申请将继续接受. 





If you have submitted your graduation application but need to update the term you 已经完成了. Submit the 毕业 Update Notification form to let us know which term you would like us to move your graduation application. 此外,您可以 use this form to withdraw your graduation application entirely. 



During the Pre-Evaluation stage a students 毕业 Status is updated. 一个学生 is guaranteed a 毕业 Status update by 注册服务 if they have applied 优先级截止日期列在 重要的日子

登录到 ctcLink 和导航到 Student 首页page-->Academic Progress-->查看毕业状态. 


您的申请已经提交. 谢谢你!!



您的评估显示未满足需求. 请联系您的指导老师进行进一步审查.

Without additional information, your status may be updated to withdrawn at the end 四分之一.

毕业申请将接受初步审查. 此审查在登记后进行 最后一学期是否已完成. 在这次审查中,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场将决定 如果您的申请状态已准备好更新为 批准毕业,待期末成绩. 此状态表示您之前的课程加上 成功的 完成 目前的课程将满足你的学位要求. 
您的评估显示未满足需求 和 has been withdrawn. 请检查您的 grades 和 your Academic Progress on your Student 首页page. 联系 degreeapp@kuyax.net or your advisor if you have 任何 questions about your degree requirements. 
Congratulations your degree/certificate has been awarded! 在你拿到学位之后 期望在4-8周内收到毕业证书. 确保你的地址在上面 到目前为止,在ctclick. You will receive information about joining us for 毕业典礼 五月举行典礼.


What is the Difference Between 毕业典礼 和 毕业? 


毕业典礼 is the ceremony that honors graduating students. 毕业典礼是 to the start of something in an academic context, this ceremony signifies you are 开始你的事业和人生的下一个阶段.

  • 毕业典礼 will not include a Diploma, but instead a Diploma Cover.
  • 文凭 will be mailed after your 毕业 term has completed 和 final  grades 已经被审查过.
  • Students graduating Summer Term may be allowed to participate in commencement prior 完成他们所有的毕业要求.
  • Students invited to 毕业典礼 are those who have completed their degree within 学业日历或预期完成. 例如:2023年秋天,冬天 2024, Spring 2024 和 Summer 2024 are all invited to attend the Spring 2024 毕业典礼.


毕业 is the term in which 注册服务 confers degrees 和 certificates. 毕业 is the 完成 all degree requirements as recorded 在 official 成绩单. 
  • 毕业 refers to the term students have earned the required number of credits 他们的证书
  • 修读了获得证书所需的所有课程
  • Completed all requirements for the credential 和 it has posted to the Official Transcript
  • 毕业证书在学生毕业学期后邮寄
  • A 毕业 Term 可以 Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer term.


Students who have applied to Graduate for the Summer term are invited to the Spring 毕业典礼. For summer grads, to be invited to the Spring commencement a student must apply to graduate by the Summer 毕业 Priority Deadline listed 在 重要的日子. Applying early ensures the Summer graduate is included in the 毕业典礼 Program.


The name printed 在 毕业典礼 Program 和 the Digital 和 mailed Diploma. Is 基于 毕业证书的名字 在ctlink中列出. Navigate来 Student 首页page-->配置文件--> Select the plus sign (+) 和 the Degree Name type should appear to allow you to enter your 毕业证书的名字.




有关毕业申请的问题,请联系 degreeapp@kuyax.net.


文凭 for degrees 和 certificates are awarded once final grades have posted 和 a final graduation evaluation confirms all requirements have been satisfied. 文凭 are mailed to graduates 4-6 weeks after the end 四分之一 in which they graduate.



祝贺你取得的成就! 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场很乐意听到你的消息. 请告诉 请告诉澳门威尼斯人在线赌场你在TCC的经历.



